COVID-19 Outbreak declared over at the Norfolk Hospital Nursing Home

Friday, March 18, 2022 – The COVID-19 outbreak at the Norfolk Hospital Nursing Home (NHNH) has been officially declared over.

An outbreak at the NHNH was declared on Feb. 18 after four staff and six residents tested positive for COVID-19. Residents were immediately tested and isolated, all staff were tested, and all visitors were restricted. In total, 14 residents tested positive for the virus during the outbreak and had either minor to moderate symptoms or remained asymptomatic. No residents required hospitalization for medical intervention.

There has been no further transmission within the home. Since there has been no further transmission, the outbreak has been officially declared over in consultation with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit.

Residents and families have been notified, and visitors will once again be allowed in the Nursing Home.

NHNH would like to acknowledge the hard work of the staff and of all the employees who stepped up to stop the spread of COVID-19 while continuing to provide the necessary care. And thank you to our residents and their families for your patience and cooperation through this time.