Health Records

The NGH Health Records Department manages the collection, storage, retention and access to your personal health information record. We respect and maintain the confidentiality of your personal health information. Our Health Information Management Professionals are educated and trained to handle inquiries and process requests for access, corrections and/or release copies of your personal health information record, in accordance with current legislation.

Norfolk General Hospital’s Information Practices

If you are a former patient of the Norfolk General Hospital, you may request copies of your personal health information records by submitting a dated, written and signed request to Health Records. A “Request to Access Personal Health Information” form is provided below for your convenience. You can print, complete, and mail this completed form to the Health Record Department.

Health Records Release of Information Office is open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday for personal health information requests.

Norfolk General Hospital
Release of Information
365 West Street
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 1T7

519-426-0130 Extension 1207
Fax: (519) 429-6987

Request to Access Personal Health Information Consent Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the hospital have all my health records on file?

The Norfolk General Hospital retains and manages patient records according to current government legislation.

How do I request birth information?

If you want birth information for yourself or your child (i.e.: proof of birth, time of birth), please include the mother's name, mother's date of birth and child's date of birth. Health Records will issue you a "Proof of Birth" letter, stating a baby boy/girl was born at the hospital, date born, Mother's name, and delivering Physician's name. (This is not an official birth certificate) This information may be used to apply for your official birth certificate. An application can be made by calling the Office of the Registrar General, Thunder Bay, ON, toll-free at 1-800-461-2156, or by applying on-line at

How can I obtain records for a deceased loved one?

For patients who are deceased, proof of trustee/executor of the estate, or legal signing authority, must be submitted along with your written/signed request.

Copies of a medical death certificate cannot be provided, in compliance with the 'Vital Statistics Act'.

Health Records will issue you a "Proof of Death" letter, stating date of death, cause of death and hospital location. This information can be used to apply for a Medical Certificate of Death. Application can be made by calling the Office of the Registrar General in Thunder Bay, ON, toll free at 1-800-461-2156, or by applying on-line at

How can I obtain records for an incapable/incompetent patient?

For patients who are incapable of signing consent, a proof of legal signing authority must be provided to Health Records with the written and signed consent form. Proof of legal signing authority such as the Substitute Decision Maker (Public Trustee) may also include: the patient's legal guardian, Power of Attorney for Personal Care, spouse or partner, parent, child, sibling or other relative.

What will it cost me to request medical record information?

A 'fee for service' is charged for non-medical requests. Our fee structure is in line with the recommended fee structure by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Can my family and friends reach me while I'm in hospital?

Your family and friends may call and request information on your location in hospital. If you do not want this information given out, please tell the registration staff at the time you are being registered for admission.