What to expect when you leave
Upon admission, it is important for you to work with the healthcare team to begin planning your discharge from hospital. Together we will assess your progress and your needs. We will assist you and your family in planning for your discharge. A family member or friend should take you home after a hospital stay. Please make sure you have all your belongings as well as aftercare instructions, prescriptions and appointments as needed. It is important that you understand all the instructions about your medication, diet, activities and follow-up appointments. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your healthcare provider before you leave.
Patient Navigator
Discharge planning is a service provided by Norfolk General Hospital to assist patients and their families transitioning from the hospital back to the community. By offering guidance and assistance with future care needs, we aim to make the transition as comfortable as possible. In defining your discharge plan, we will provide information regarding community resources and available assistance in collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team.
There are several options for people being discharged from hospital:
- Return home with our Home First Program. Please discuss with the CCAC representative
- Return home with additional supports that may include help from family, friends, Haldimand Niagara Haldimand Brant Community Care Access Centre (HNHB CCAC), and/or through privately purchased services
- Move to a retirement home. Additional services may be available through the HNHB CCAC or purchased privately
- Move to a facility for short-term convalescent/supportive care.
Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Community Care Access Centre (HHNB CCAC)
The HNHB CCAC is our community support service provider. The Case Manager will visit you in the hospital should you need help at home following discharge such as home nursing, therapy and homemaking services. The Case Manager can provide information about health support services in the community and can be contacted Monday through Friday by speaking to your nurse.
On the Home and Community Care Support Services Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant website, you can go on a virtual tour of nursing homes.