Smile Cookie Campaign raises over $63,000 to help support new mammogram machine at Norfolk General Hospital

(Photo left to right: (Waterford) Shaun Salverda; (Simcoe and Delhi) Cheryl Nelson; (Simcoe and Port Dover) Kaer Saffouri and Mary Blakemore; Emma Rogers CEO NGH Foundation.)

(Simcoe) – The Norfolk General Hospital Foundation is thrilled to announce that this year’s Smile Cookie campaign has raised an incredible $63,553.35. These funds will support our ongoing efforts to purchase a new mammogram machine for Norfolk General Hospital (NGH).

“We are deeply moved by the generosity shown during this year’s Smile Cookie campaign,” said Emma Rogers, CEO of the Norfolk General Hospital Foundation. “The community’s support year after year is instrumental in helping us deliver exceptional healthcare. Acquiring a new mammogram machine will be transformative for our community, ensuring our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters receive the best possible care.”

The success of the Smile Cookie Campaign is a testament to the collaborative spirit of Norfolk County, with contributions from all five participating locations: Delhi, Simcoe, Waterford, and Port Dover.  “We extend our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated teams at each of the five locations as well as our incredible volunteers,” added Rogers.

Beginning this fall, we will include women as young as 40 in our screening services, doubling the demand for mammograms. The proceeds from the Smile Cookie Campaign will go directly towards our digital mammography campaign. This support is vital in helping NGH continue to be a leader in early detection and comprehensive care for our community.