Norfolk General Hospital Memorial Service to be held on April 3

The Spiritual and Religious Care Team at Norfolk General Hospital (NGH) invites the family and friends to a special online Memorial Service.

Date: Monday, April 3, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: The Memorial Service will take place virtually via Zoom

The Memorial Service provides an opportunity for family members, partners, and friends of those who passed away during the months of September to December 2022, a chance to celebrate the lives of their loved ones while also providing a source of healing and strength during a time of loss.

For more information, contact Kerri Emberlin, Director of Volunteers and Spiritual Care Services (519)-426-0130 extension, 2100.

Here is how you can attend the virtual Memorial Service.


Meeting ID: 465 074 8479

Passcode: SWNPC

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